How To Fix WordPress Login Redirecting And Refreshing Issues?

How To Fix WordPress Login Redirecting And Refreshing Issues?

Millions of websites work with WordPress, making it one of the most widely used CMS. However, it has bugs like any other software. WordPress users occasionally run into the annoying situation of being redirected or having to reload their login page constantly. Try to enter your WordPress admin area; you could be getting website cycles refreshing or reloading incessantly. It’s exhausting, but don’t worry we’ll look at the most typical reasons for this issue and provide the necessary solutions.

7 Ways To Fix WordPress Login Redirecting and Refreshing Issues

Recognizing The Issue

It’s essential first to identify the root causes of the login refresh and redirect problems at hand. It is tough to pinpoint a single reason for these issues because various situations might trigger them. This frequently occurs for the following reasons:

  • Misconfigured URL: Login problems might arise if the URL settings for your WordPress site are incorrectly adjusted. It typically occurs when the site’s URL changes without updating the appropriate settings.
  • Problems with Your Theme or Plugins: Incorrectly written or outdated plugins and themes might disrupt the login process and lead to unpredictable results.
  • Using Temporary Internet Files and Cookies: Sometimes, the login procedure will be redirected because your browser’s cache and cookies are at odds with one another.
  • Problems with the Server: Issues on the server, such as incorrect setups or inadequate security measures, may also be at blame.
  • Protective Add-ons: Sometimes, genuine login attempts will be redirected because of overzealous security plugins and can also error of WordPress too many redirects.

Now that we know what’s happening, we can look at solutions.

Delete All Cookies And Cache From Your Browser

Find the most straightforward answer first. Clearing your browser’s cache and cookies may alleviate the problem if it only occurs on your end. Here’s the procedure:

  1. To access the internet, launch your browser.
  2. Find the menu that looks like three dots or lines, which vary from browser to browser, and choose it.
  3. Check your security or browser history settings. 
  4. “Clear” or “Delete” the browser history, cache, or cookies. 

Attempt reaccessing your WordPress control panel after deleting your browser’s cache and cookies. If this doesn’t solve the issue, try the next one.

Check The URL Settings In WordPress

Incorrect URL settings might cause 301 redirects in WordPress. Verify that both the WordPress Address and the Site Address are set correctly. Here’s how to double-check and modify your preferences:

  1. Use the active URL to access your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Select General under Settings on the control panel.
  3. Check the Site Address (URL) and WordPress Address (URL). Both of these should accurately reflect your website’s address.
  4. If the links do not go to the correct location on your site, you should change them.
  5. Put the alterations to rest.

Retry your login once you’ve changed the URL. If the issue still exists, try the following solution.

Turn Off All Add-Ons And Themes

Login difficulties like constant reloading may originate from a broken plugin or theme. Follow these steps to see whether this is the case:

Turn Off All Add-Ons:

  1. Use the active URL to access your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins under the administration panel.
  3. If you want to choose all plugins, click the “Plugin.”
  4. Select “Deactivate” from the “Bulk Actions” menu, then hit “Apply.”

Try signing in right now. If you can log in without incident, a conflicting plugin is likely to blame. Check the login page after reactivating each plugin until the problem reappears to pinpoint the offending add-on. If a newer version of the problematic plugin is available, you can install it; otherwise, you can look for another plugins. You should always go for a plugin that is more secure so that your website is protected from threats. If by any chance your site experiences any problems than you can also get a proper guide from our detailed blog on "SEO technical issues and how to fix them."

Change To The Default Theme:

If disabling plugins doesn’t fix anything, try disabling the theme to see if that’s the issue. Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the WordPress administration area.
  2. To change your theme, choose Appearance, then Themes.
  3. Invoke either the Twenty Twenty-One or the Twenty Twenty-Two default WordPress themes.

Make another attempt at signing in. If you can log in with the default theme but not your own, it may be time to contact your theme’s creator or support team.

Server-Side Validation

After attempting the solutions mentioned above and still experiencing login redirection and refreshing issues, it is essential to investigate possible server-side issues. These problems are typically more involved and may necessitate assistance from your web host. Some tests you can perform on the server side include :

  1. PHP version: Check that your server runs a PHP compatible with WordPress. Problems can occur when you use an obsolete or conflicting PHP.
  2. File Permissions: Login problems might occur due to incorrect file permissions on your server. Verify the permissions of all WordPress folders and files. The default permissions for files and directories should be 644 and 755, respectively.
  3. Mod_security: When set improperly, security modules like mod_security on Apache servers might prevent users from logging in. If you suspect mod_security is the source of your problems and needs to be tweaked, contact your hosting provider.
  4. Firewall Rules: Verify that your firewall isn’t preventing you from entering your account information. Modify the regulations as needed.
  5. Access Records: Check the server’s error logs for any messages that may illuminate the problem. If you need help with this, contact your hosting provider’s support staff and get your questions answered for How to fix WordPress frequent errors.

Turn Off The Security Plugins

While security plugins are necessary for keeping malicious actors out of your WordPress site, they can occasionally be excessively strict and prevent authorized users from logging in. To determine if this is the issue:

  1. Utilize a file manager or FTP to access your hosting account.
  2. Find the folder that contains your WordPress installation and open it.
  3. Find the directory containing the plugin for plugin security. Wordfence, Sucuri, and iThemes Security are popular security plugins.
  4. If you rename the folder, it will disable the security plugin momentarily.

Make another attempt at signing in. The security plugin is likely to blame if you can log in without incident. The next step is to check the security plugin’s settings to ensure it won’t interfere with genuine login attempts before re-enabling it and efficiently secure WordPress website.

Get Expert Advice

If you’ve already done all we’ve suggested and are still having trouble with login redirecting and refreshing, it’s time to call in the experts. Several resources are available to you, including WordPress support forums, WordPress developers for hire, and the customer service department of your site host.


The WordPress login refresh and redirect problems are annoying, but you can fix them. You can identify and fix the issue triggering these problems by following the methods provided in this manual. Consider care at all times, but significantly while modifying server-side files or configurations. Before making significant modifications to your website, you must create a backup. You can return to your WordPress admin area and keep operating your site smoothly if you’re patient and persistent.

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