How to edit the footer in WordPress

How To Edit The Footer In WordPress

What does WordPress' footer mean?

How To Edit The Footer In WordPress: The part of your website that comes after the main content area at the bottom is known as the footer in WordPress. Usually, it appears on each page of your website.

There are different methods you may use to make it more beneficial for your users, but so many beginners overlook this area. Even better, you could use your footer to grow both your business and WordPress SEO.

A footer plugin area that is simple to change is included with all top Elementor WordPress themes. By adding plugins, deleting links, adding code, and even designing totally unique footers for other pages, you can improve this area.

Having said that, let's look at how simple it is to change the footer in WordPress. To skip to the part you want to read, utilise the links below.

  1. Including Plugins in Your WordPress Footer
  2. Take out "Powered by WordPress" from your footer text.
  3. Making Customised Footers for Various WordPress Sites
  4. Including code in the WordPress footer

Including Plugins in Your WordPress Footer

The bottom of many of the Popular WordPress themes includes plugin spaces.

These widget spaces can be used to include text, photos, or links to your privacy statement, legal disclaimers, or other necessary pages.

It's easy to add text and images. To do this, go to Appearance » Widgets and choose your "Footer Sidebar" section before clicking the "Plus" adblock icon.

Click the block once to add a widget; it will then display on the screen by itself.

Keep in mind that many themes will have various widget areas in the footer, and they may utilise them in different ways. You can view your website after uploading widgets to verify that they display where you want them to.

Links Can Be Added to the WordPress Footer Widget Section.

In the footer section of your website, you might also want to provide links to various pages, topics, and categories.

The navigation menus that come with WordPress make it simple to manage such links. Users can click the "Create new menu" link on the Appearance » Menus page.

WordPress will ask you to give your new menu a name.

Choose the proper footer placement, type a name that makes this menu easy to identify, then press the "Create Menu" button.

You can now begin adding links to your menu because it is now ready.

To add the pages, articles, or categories to your menu, just choose them from the left-hand column.

To save your changes after finishing designing your menu, select the "Save Menu" button.

Now that it has been inserted, your menu is prepared for the WordPress footer widget area. Just go to your WordPress website panel's Appearance » Widgets page.

After that, click the "+" symbol, perform a "Menu" search, and then select the "Navigation Menu" block.

Then, choose your footer menu bar from the "Choose Menu" drop-down and, if you'd like, give your widget a title. On your footer, the title will be shown above the menu.

Finally, in order to save your changes, click the "Update" button.

Check out your site right now to see how your footer links work. Continue to carry out the same processes again if you require another set of links.

Take out "Powered by WordPress" from your footer text:

If you first download WordPress, your website may have a link that reads "Powered by WordPress" in a footer bar at the bottom. It's commonly unclear how to modify this because it's not a widget.

This will differ by theme and may include different text and links. If such is the case, you may typically edit this content using a WordPress theme customizer. You can easily go to Appearance » Customise on your WordPress admin side.

Then, search for a heading with the word "footer" or a similar name.

In this example, we'll use the Astra theme. While using Astra, you must select "Footer Builder" from the theme customizer.

This takes you to a screen where you can modify things like the footer text and social network links.

To change the footer text, just select the "Copyright" button.

After that, you can remove the current text and replace it with your own.

Do not even forget to click the 'Update' or 'Publish' option at the top of the page when you've finished altering the footer in order to make your modifications live.

Manually Modifying the Footer Text

What about if the customizer feature for your theme doesn't allow you to change the footer text?

In this situation, you must help create the footer.php file. It's a layout file in your WordPress website folder that's in charge of showcasing the theme's footer area.

Directly editing the footer is a more advanced approach, and you'll need to be familiar with PHP coding to edit the file.

Using an FTP program to connect to your WordPress hosting account is the most straightforward method of editing this file.

Start by downloading the footer.php file from your theme folder.

Finding the code line in the file that contains the text "Powered by WordPress" is the next step.

Next, simply replace or remove that text, then upload your updated footer.php document.

When making modifications, it's a good idea to create a backup of the file. In this way, you may simply upload the original data when you accidentally break anything.

Making Customised Footers for Various WordPress Sites

To increase conversions, close a deal, and expand their email lists, small company websites frequently use landing pages.

Because landing pages only have one objective, they differ slightly from regular web pages.

The SeedProd plugin is the ideal tool for this. Over 1 million websites use the greatest drag-and-drop WordPress page editor. Without needing to write any code, it makes it simple to create top pages.

The plugin needs to be installed and activated first.

You can use the free version of SeedProd; however, for the purposes of this article, we'll explain how to utilise the pro version, which can be used to create a range of WordPress pages.

You must enter your licence key in SeedProd » Settings after activation.

On the SeedProd website, this data is available under your account.

To create your first page, go to SeedProd » Pages and afterwards select "Add New Landing Page."

The next step requires you to select a theme. There are many professionally-made designs available on SeedProd.

Simply hover your cursor over a template to select it, then click the "Checkmark" icon.

You will then be asked to provide a title and URL for your page.

Press the "Save and Start Editing the Page" button after that.

The drag-and-drop builder interface is then launched. A real-time preview of the design you chose will be displayed.

You can use your mouse to point and click on any element on the page to modify it. Then, make changes and/or additions using the left-hand column.

Then, in the left-hand panel, select the "Sections" tab.

By doing this, a selection of ready-made sections for building your page appears.

Then select "Footer" from the menu.

You are then directed to an area with clearly defined footer layouts. By selecting the magnifying glass button, you can view a preview of the footer area.

Then, you can use the drag-and-drop editor to completely personalise your footer. For example, you can modify the background color and include photos, links, and more.

Click the "+" icon to add it to your page.

To publish your customised page after finishing it, click the "Publish" button after selecting the "Save" option from the drop-down menu.

Upgrade: SeedProd is now a full-featured theme builder, allowing you to quickly create a unique WordPress theme without touching a line of code.

Also, you now have the option to change the WordPress footer across your entire website.

The SeedProd Pro plugin should first be installed and activated on your WordPress website. then, from your WordPress website, go to SeedProd » Theme Creator. Select the "Themes" button on this page.

By doing this, a window will open where you may choose from one of SeedProd's 28+ customizable pre-built themes.

Simply place your cursor over a theme to pick it, then select the checkmark.

When you select a theme, SeedProd will immediately build the header, footer, homepage, sidebar, and other elements that go into a theme.

Select the "Edit Design" link to modify the footer.

The drag-and-drop theme creator for SeedProd will now be displayed for you to modify your footer.

By placing your cursor over a block and selecting the trash icon, you can remove any of the current footer designs. During this tutorial, we'll remove every block that is currently in place.

You can choose a layout for your footer after removing all of the blocks. We'll go with the three columns.

Drag blocks from the left side and drop them into your footer to begin adding material to it.

In this example, we've included headings, content, social media profiles, a menu bar, and an opt-in form for the newsletter.

If you are satisfied with the footer design, select the "Save" button, select "Publish" from the drop-down menu, and then click "Save."

After that, you can leave the graphical interface and come back to the dashboard for the theme creator.

Then, you may use SeedProd to finish modifying the remaining portions of your WordPress theme.

Including code in the WordPress footer

You might sometimes need to include code snippets in your WordPress footer. This is frequently done to link your site to external apps or plugins.

For example, to add analytics tracking to your website, you must add a script to the footer or header section of your WordPress blog.

Using the WPCode plugin is the most simple way to add additional software to your WordPress footer.

The plugin needs to be installed and activated first.

After activation, navigate to Code Snippets » Header & Footer in your WordPress admin panel. Users can then enter their code in the "footer" box.

Next, before continuing, click the "Save Changes" button in the top-right corner of the screen.


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